It should be the other way around, right? The mother is active, involved and encourages her daughter to DO stuff--to be outgoing, committed to a cause or a passion, to help others. With me and my daughter--the one with RSD/CRPS who's in a wheelchair for a year and a half, it's the other way around. My daughter influences me . You see, I'm lazy by nature. My favorite activity is doing nothing . What I mean by that is, my favorite activities are more sedentary; like reading, or singing, or playing Words with Friends and Scrabble, or watching a movie. For example, I love a well-kept and cultivated garden. I love the colors of the flowers, the order they are in, the straight edges of the flower beds (or curved-they just have to be clean-cut, and neat), the rich grass around them, deep green, evenly mowed and beautiful. I love plants: the various varieties in their little pots, or in the ground, well taken care of, watered regularly, and fed, like...