My New Granddaughter!

(nablopomo day 28)

Finally I have some photos to post of my new little grandaughter, Naomi.  I actually mentioned her name in my response to a comment on yesterday's post, not having realized that I never disclosed her name in that post!
So, her name is Naomi, and here she is!

D. H. says they're not high-resolution.  I say they are higher than high!  Or maybe that's me: I am higher than high!


Eric said…
Mazel Tov!
Sharon Frank said…
she is so cute BIH
Unknown said…
Mazel tov dear Ora and to the whole family. Blessings to you all.
Lady-Light said…
Eric: Thank you! I wonder if my son Mr. A. remembers you...?

SharonF: I think so. And I'm totally objective, right?!

Nora: Long time no hear! Back from your many world-wide travels? Thank you so much for your 'mazal tov.'
Now, all I have to do is...get there!
Batya said…
adorable, bli eyin haraa
Lady-Light said…
Batya: Thank you! (Can you pay for my ticket?)

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