Video: NO to Ground Zero Mosque
Thanks to Israel Matzav for posting this. It's exactly how I feel about this proposed mosque: it's rubbing salt in the wound.
An alternately structured and sometimes stream-of-consciousness journal of my view of the purpose and essence of life as a Jew, the importance of the Land of Israel, how to differentiate good from evil, and perhaps even what to do about it. Oh,and also some technology thrown in for good measure. And whatever else comes to mind, actually... In short: "BLOGITO Ergo Sum"
Ground Zero is sacred to Islam as being the holy altar on which 3000 najis kafirs were sacrificed as burnt offerings to Allah (aka Moloch) for the greater glory of the Religion of Peace™ .
I am still shuddering. Thank you for visiting. I think. (It's just too horrible to face, even for me: I know)