BEST Picture for Ruby Tuesday*

Ok, after the highlight of the weekend with our extended Shabbaton, I was trying to figure out what to do for an encore, when I saw Batya's post on Ruby Tuesday, which originally was a Rolling Stones song but became a blogging theme to post something RED every Tuesday.

So I decided I would post my first ever Ruby Tuesday pic, of two of my beautiful granddaughters, the daughters of my eldest, Mrs. Baby K'tan who live in that sunny-some-other-state-but-not-mine-place.

This post now covers three subjects: 1) Ruby Tuesday, 2) Nablopomo, and 3) the January theme for Nablopomo, which is "Best." How about that for efficiency?

The photo was shot at our younger son's wedding two-and-a-half years ago, ironically not in the state where they live, but in that other one--a smaller one, area-wise (but much, much bigger in so many other ways), right outside of Jerusalem at Chavat Aviv. Are those flowers red, or what? (Are those girls gorgeous [bli ayin ra'ah], or what?!)

Funny, but that song Ruby Tuesday so reminds me of my carefree college days, when D.H. and I were still dating (we were married the year after it was released). And just for Ruby Tuesday, I put a red border around the video--cool, yes no?

*(nablopomo day#26)


Batya said…
Great job, welcome to the Ruby Tuesday club.
Lady-Light said…
Batya- Thanks-Wow! I just love clubs; and no initiation, either...
(btw, do you always get to your computer at 6:30 a.m.?!)

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