In Israel it is a National Memorial Day, which is opened by a State ceremony at Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem. At 10:00 in the morning, sirens sound, and everyone stops in their tracks, no matter what they are doing--to remember, and pay their respects to the six million Jews who were systematically murdered in the gas chambers and concentration camps and streets just a little over 60 years ago.
At home, you can light a yahrtzeit candle, read passages from books about the Shoah, and remember the innocent victims of what the world does NOT want to admit was an attempt by the Nazis at ethnic cleansing and genocide of the Jewish People.
Yes, Jews--and the world--should remember the Holocaust, and vow never to allow any nation or army or revolutionaries or anyone at all to do anything as heinous as this to any people.
I just spoke to our youngest daughter who is currently in Officer Training in the IDF. Until recently they didn't know she could sing (she hoarded her shekels to find a voice teacher for herself while in high school in Israel). She and her sister and brothers have been singing all their lives.
She told me she was just chosen to sing one of two songs at their ceremony for Yom Hashoah. She will find out today which one they want her to sing.
You can listen to each of the songs below.
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Thanks for reminding me of yesterday's events.
Juanita, Colorado Springs
Your having brought a candle (we would use "yahrtzeit" candles, commemorative candles in a small glass or metal container)I am certain made a deeper impression on the members of your book club, and brought the subject matter 'to life,' at this time of remembering their deaths. . .
Thank you.