Good War Analysis by WSJ

First and foremost, the latest War in Gaza Update is UP at Jack's, here.

Saw this on a blog, can't remember which one (I'm bleary-eyed reading through blog after blog and article after article at the same time as listening to Radio Darom and watching emergency split-screen Israel TV while fasting) by Bret Stephens of the Wall Street Journal.

The lead is very telling; Stephens wrote, "Maybe this column would get a better reception if it were titled, "No Endgame for Israel." Many pundits are commenting and arguing that Israel is lost, no matter what it does in Gaza. This author has, in my opinion, a good analysis of what Israel can accomplish with this war, but it has to not succumb to international pressure for a cease-fire and continue with its mission.

There are those who think that this war will enable Israel to 're-occupy' Gaza (which Israel has stated it wouldn't do). I personally think Israel should retake Gaza and annex it; the Arabs had their chance to create a state there. They blew it. End of story.

Israel should stay strong and complete the goal of incapacitating, if not outright defeating, Hamas and its infrastructure. As Stephens puts it (emphasis mine):
All this will be said to amount to another occupation, never mind that there are no settlers in this picture, and never mind, too, that Israel was widely denounced for carrying out an "effective occupation" of the Strip after it imposed an economic blockade on Hamas. (By this logic, the U.S. is currently "occupying" Cuba.) If Israel is going to achieve a strategic victory in this war, it will have to stand firm against this global wave of hypocrisy and cant.
I told you the world is skewed. And this is (as Jameel puts it in his excellent live blogging on the war) "what Israel's up against," in this canted universe:

Scum of the earth.


Anonymous said…
If only they wouldn't reproduce BEFORE they blew themselves up... then I think this problem would be much more short-lived.

It still amazes me that people can survive in that sick mentality for any extended period of time. That they don't have any nagging suspicion that they've got it all wrong...
Lady-Light said…
Kate: You know, that isn't a bad idea; kidding aside, their so-called 'religion' is mindless. No one thinks for themselves or analyzes what they are told. They are play-acting at being adults, and doing a lousy job of it I might add.
Thank you for visiting. I will reciprocate (when I get a chance; just heard that something is going on up north in Israel; I hope I'm wrong).
Anonymous said…
Great post and video, but I was sort of expecting her to blow herself up. It's a good bet that she may have been forced to give this message lest the monkeys make 'martyrs' out of her remaining sons as well.

Some people we know ignore all facts and logic. People must realize that this is not a border dispute. Muslim Fundamentalists want ALL Jews dead and gone. Period.

The delusional insanity of many on the Left and a few on the Right about this is frightening. They ignore all facts and logic. Hamas, a terrorist organization killing the so-called Palestinians' hope for peace, are evil garbage, they must be eliminated. They have sent thousands, yes thousands of missiles into Israel over the past couple of years and Israel had never exercised their right of self-defense, until recently, when Hamas broke the ceasefire and started firing rockets again.

Israel is FINALLY doing the right thing. If Hamas is destroyed, then, if the rest of the 'Palestinians' really want peace they can give up their dream of destroying Israel, if not, they will never have peace.

Israel must destroy as much of Hamas as possible before the MSM and the idiots and ignorants whine loud enough for them to stop. They must only quit when they are ready.

For EVERY missile shot into Israel at least ONE missile should be returned to the area as close as possible to the shooter. Tit for tat. Every single missile should be returned. Period. Treat them like adults, if they kill, they will be killed. If they send missiles, they will receive them. That is the only way they will learn. Screw public opinion, force them to see the truth, or let them be damned.
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
hope your kids grow up

to strap bombs on babies
to kill other children

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
form a terrorist country

then wish to be destroyed
by committing acts of war

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
blame your failings on the Jews

for a few more thousand years
they are Earth's scapegoats

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
give Israel away

to appease her enemies
dishonor America

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
never mock Hamas

it's just their religion
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