Finally: The 8 - Ball Meme...and the 7- Random/Weird-Things-About-Me-Meme, and, uh. . .
Oy. What's a blogger to do??! Hey, here's a brilliant idea: how about combining the two! (This is either brilliant, or totally insane.)
Okay, let's go for it: I will start with the 8 - Ball questions, and underneath each 8-ball response, I will add one (1) Weird Thing answer. Does that make sense? Never mind - here goes:
For the 7 Random/Weird Things, I have to:
-first post the rules on my blog.
-Share the 7 things about me on my blog.
-Tag 7 random people at the end of the post, and link them on my post.
-Let each of the 7 know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
(Again, because I'm combining them, you'll see the 8-Ball meme first, with (as I said above) the random/weird one at the end of each 8-Ball point (is this too complicated for you?):
1) Eight Passions In My Life:
Torah Judaism
My children (I still try to manage their lives; gotta control that urge...)
Eretz Yisrael
The Hebrew language
Music & Singing
Surfing the 'net (for educational purposes only, of course. . . )
(ok, so that's 9; I didn't list 'math' as one of them, did I?)
1)One Random/Weird Thing:
I did my first drawings when I was a year and a half old. Still have them in a notebook my mother (a"h) saved.
2)Eight Things To Do Before I Die:
*Pray daily to live to 120 HEALTHY and HAPPY, with all my faculties intact.
*Publish my novel.
*Make my first million (with which I will. . . )
*Buy a place in Jerusalem!
*Buy another place in that state where my eldest daughter lives (she says she will never make aliyah. . . )
*See to it that my two unmarried daughters find a terrific shidduch for each of them.
*Learn well and practice the precept: "ezehu mechubad, ha-mechabed et ha-adam" (loose translation: 'who is honored? He who honors others.')
*Learn well and practice the precept: "ve-ahavta le-re'acha kamocha."
(loose translation: 'and ye shall love thy neighbor as thyself.')
*Be closer to my grandchildren
(Do Not tell me that was more than eight. Ever.)
2)Another Random/Weird Thing:
I had my first gray hair when I was four years old. Honest. My mother told me.
3)Eight Things I Often Say:
מה עניינים?
לא נורא!
רבונו של עולם!!!
*Oy va'avoy!
*What th-?!
3)Random/Weird Thing:
I was a mediocre student in elementary school
(but, so was Einstein, so what of it, buster?!)
4)Eight Book I've Read Recently:
(uh, what if I haven't read eight books...?)
*Muzzled - Michael Smerconish (still reading)
*High Up in the Trees - Kiara Brinkman
*My Grandfather's Son - Clarence Thomas (still reading)
*Journey From the Land of No - Roya Hakakian
*Smiling Each Day - Rabbi Avraham Twerski (ongoing)
*Tehillim (Psalms) (ongoing)
*Parashat HaShavu'ah (Torah portion of the week) - (ongoing)
*A Tale of Love and Darkness - Amos Oz
(* have several library books on hold; does that count?)
4)Random/Weird Thing:
I was a social outcast in elementary school (what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. . . )
5)Eight Songs That Mean Something to Me: (this is an easy one; music and I are inseparable. (aharon aharon haviv...)
Shir la-Ma'alot - Yosef Karduner (to hear it, click here.)
All the albums of Michael Shapiro (there are 5; if you count each one as one song, I've only got 2 more to list!)
Ana b'Koach - Roi Yadid
Rift (my eldest son's band from the States; he is the drummer & lead singer-simultaneously!) - all songs (Click here for some really interesting music. . . )
5)Fifth Random/Weird Thing:
When I was very little...ok, not so very little...I used to suck my left thumb and twirl a lock of my hair with my right hand's middle and forefinger. I don't do that anymore. No. I don't.
6)Eight Qualities I Look for in a Friend:
*Warmth & Kindness (is that two?)
*Consideration of others
*Taking an real interest in others (e.g., listening with full attention)
*Positive attitude always ("mitzvah gedola le-he'yot be-simchah")
*Interesting to talk to (not 'dull')
*Social skills (e.g., eats with knife and fork; is polite, not rude)
*Gorgeous & Wealthy (--just kidding; I can't think of # 8!!)
6)6th Random/Weird Thing:
I love food, especially any form of hatzilim (eggplant) or falafel. And chicken.
7) 8 Bloggers to tag: (I might modify this somewhat. Oh, what the heck; why couldn't it be the 4-Ball Meme?!!)
Shalom from Jerusalem
Jack's Shack
Bar Kochba
Epes a Chosid
mom in Israel
( Like, these poor people have nothing better to do with their time than answer a long, complicated link-filled meme like this; why did I do it??!)
7)The 7th and last (thank the Lord) Random/Weird Thing About Me:
Uh, I can't think of any. Wait, I just remembered something: I used to sing the aria "La Donna e Mobile" from Verdi's Rigoletto to myself and for guests when I was 2 years old (but not in Italian).
(Looking back over this, it took me hours to do; and my numbers are still screwed up. Oh well...)
Oy ... a REAL Jewish gastronome would have include LAMB!
After all, Moses was a Shepherd.
But here's a queston: are you a gourmet, or merely a gourmand?!
i'll have to apply for a day off from work to finish mine....
frum satire: Woo-hoo!! Thanks; give me a little son & new daughter-in-law just came in from Israel (via his sister's state), so I am swamped right now. Will get to it ASAP, promise, bli neder (I love rock).
You had asked me a while ago to include yours in my blogroll.
frumsatire: My apologies, please bear with me: have been sort of AWOL from my blog these past few visiting: you know how it is!