It's too late, I'm hooked...

Because of Template Troubles, I was forced to upgrade to the new, more wysiwyged template. I knew my customizations would disappear, and it pained me. I couldn't sleep. So instead, I decided to be productive and design a slightly new look, still using my favorite color (I call it "seafoam green"), into the wee hours of the morning. I was looking for more color coordination, and a softer clock. The old code didn't work (html drives me crazy), so I searched for one that would, and eureka: I found code that worked, and a bubbly Holyland clock!
I'm so excited (it takes very little to make me happy), I want feedback before I do anything else. I don't mind if you don't like it-just please comment on whether the new format, colors, fonts are easy on the eyes, etc. (I will have to decide in the end, anyway.).
I look at it this way: I was instant messaging with my daughter Toodles in H-------- at the same time, so it doesn't really matter that it's FOUR A.M. OMIGOD.


Hope all is well. I like it it's easy to read.
Elie said…
It looks good now! Tischadesh.
Anonymous said…
i like it so much better now! :)
ggggg said…
Much easier on the eyes now! I vote to keep this new look!
Lady-Light said…
SWFM: Except for my being slightly crazed with lack of sleep, baruch Hashem everything is ok. I'm glad you like the new design.
Elie: Todah rabah!
m00kie: Hey, where have you been?! Good to hear from you. I like it too, but I'm still working out kinks (my lack of knowledge of code and where to place it being a big factor!)
LV: I love color, but too much becomes ungepatchket (that's such a great word.)
I'm going to have to settle for my seafoam green and dark text, with a few highlighted words thrown in for good measure. My favorite part is the clock. I feel like frying it in a pan...
Anonymous said…
lack of sleep is a blogger-syndrum ;-)
Lady-Light said…
noch a chosid: Yes, I've discovered that lack of sleep is a blogger syndrome. I have to give my husband credit, though. He is really trying to be patient, with me being intravenously connected to my computer...

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