Having a Wonderful Time, Wish I Were THERE!
Just ended an uplifting get-together with new friends at a pizza restaurant in Shiloh. The incredibility of this is that is was totally and completely--virtual. I had never met these women before in person, only on Facebook in a special group, where I introduced myself and chatted almost on a daily basis for several weeks now. We are like-minded ladies (with some differences of opinion, making it a bit more interesting) who mainly live in Israel, with a couple or so living in the U.S. and Canada. Many of you know my ingrained love for Eretz Yisrael, even though I am not living there now nor have been for over thirty years. Just speaking with these women, nine hours ahead of me, reading their comments over morning coffee--theirs at my midnight, and mine, at their afternoons--made me feel as if I was there, visiting and shmoozing with them, discussing philosophical questions or points in Judaism, venting about family problems, sharing s'machot (happy occasions) w...