
Showing posts from July, 2013

Attitude--and Perseverance are the Key

This reminds me of my daughter, who is now starting cycling for the disabled with a group called " Etgarim ' ('etgarim' means 'challenges' in English. Please 'like' their Facebook page ).  This 42 year old paraplegic man went cross country in his wheelchair .  Only took him 99 days.  In the course of his trek, he positively influenced many people to believe in themselves, not limit themselves to what others think they can or cannot do, and to follow their dreams and never give up. Similarly, a younger paraplegic who was born with Spina Bifida just last month completed his journey across the United States, in 71 days. (watch video below).  They are--as is my daughter--proving that every person, regardless of disability, has a chance to do what they set out to do.  It just takes attitude, perseverance, and belief in oneself...

More and Better Accessiblity Needed in Israel for the Disabled

My daughter, who has been in a wheel chair for almost two years has told me her own horror stories about navigating the Tel Aviv streets and sidewalks.  These--streets and sidewalks--were not built in the early years for accessibility.  No one had any idea what that was. The disabled were in essence shunted aside, and were effectively excluded from  typical activities which we consider to be 'normal' and which are totally accessible in the United States, such as traveling by bus to a restaurant, being able to enter the restaurant and sitting at a table, going shopping at the shuk (outdoor market), going to a movie--just to name a few.  There is very little in this young country which is accessible to people in wheelchairs.  Israel is somewhat like the United States was before the enactment of the Americans with Disabilities Act ,which was enacted in 1990 and amended in 2009 . The activities which I mentioned above being inaccessible are bad enough, but how a...