Only in Israel: Flash OPERA in Tel-Aviv!

A Flash Opera at the food court of the Dizengoff Center in Tel-Aviv (hat tip Rafi).  I just love the comment that someone made about this :


. . . couldn't have said it better myself.


Sharon Frank said…
that is too cool!
Lady-Light said…
Sharon F.: Isn't it though? In the States it would probably not even be recognized as...opera! Here they would more likely have flash hip-hop, or worse--rap!
Anonymous said…
And all this while surrounded by hordes with the murderous mind of the 7th century!! I envy you, Jews of Israel. No, I LOVE you Jews! Most of my real friends are Jews because they are interesting, because they are people of some substance.
Milan from Vancouver
Lady-Light said…
Anon: "And all this while surrounded by hordes with the murderous mind of the 7th century!!"
--You noticed ?!
And thank you, sir, for your kind words (we are sorta interesting, though; at the very least, nobody seems to be BORED with us...)
Please visit again!

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