Daniel Schorr Dead at 93

(nablopomo day 23)

Our alarm clock and radio is set to automatically turn on to NPR (National Public Radio) early every morning, including weekends.  Even though that radio station is biased against Israel and is pro-Palestinian, it still was, for me, the most if not only intelligent radio station on the airwaves.  I looked forward every week to hearing long-time reporter Daniel Schorr's analysis of U. S. and world events, just before our radio shut itself off at 7:30 a.m.

We will no longer be hearing that weekly interview.  Daniel Schorr, son of Russian Jewish immigrants and former Watergate reporter who, for tough reporting while working for CBS managed to get himself on president Nixon's "enemies" list,  has died today.  He was ninety-three years old.  We will miss his weekly erudite analyses, which he gave on National Public Radio, incredibly almost up to the time of his death.

Barch Dayan ha-Emet.


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