Ruby Tuesday LATE: posted on Wimpy-er-Wordless Wednesday

I forgot to post a RED pic on this week's Ruby Tuesday, so true to my procrastinating nature, I'm posting it late, on Wimpy Wordless Wednesday (I didn't make that up). Below is a photo of our Rosh Hashana "Yehi-Ratzon Beets." (Hope I don't get drummed outa the JBlogosphere for this transgression.)

And here's my pic for Wordless Wednesday:

'nuf said. . .

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Batya said…
So, you decided to "beet" the rush for next week maybe....

cute baby

I thought you were on a sabbatical to clean...
Lady-Light said…
Batya, Did you read my opening disclaimer on the previous post? I just couldn't keep away from the PC. It's an addiction.

Ok, (aarrgghh--that pun is worse than my D.H.'s), use that pic for next week's Ruby Tuesday. Anybody for a Maudlin Monday?

(cute baby? not as cute as my Facebook profile pic, which is my new granddaughter in Yerush.!!)

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