Ruminations (nablopomo day#19)

I must be living inside a box.  I didn't know there was such a thing as an "expatriate directory" for former Americans (or anybody, from anywhere) who left their country and are living in foreign lands.  Maybe I should let my kids know about this, if they don't already.  

Moving to another country is a momentous change.  I can only speak for myself here, but even though as a Jew, one moves to Israel to return to the Jewish Homeland of the Torah (Bible), to a country where your Jewish history unfolded and where Jewish holidays are national holidays, there is still a connection with (and sometimes a nostalgia for) the country in which you were raised and in which you have spent the formative years of your life.

You can't help comparing-and-contrasting the two countries.  It's a natural reaction.  You immediately see the differences, positive and negative.  And then, when you return to the original country for a visit, you experience culture shock.*  And then, when you return to your chosen country, inevitably you experience it again--this time in your new country.  (No matter what decision you make, you just can never win, can you. . . )

(*as seen here.)

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