IDF Closes Field Hospital in Haiti*

Since I had written much on the efficiency of the Israeli field hospital in Haiti and the great disaster relief and humanitarian work that they had been doing, I feel it is fitting to post this video of the closing ceremony: after two weeks, the Israelis are going home, halfway across the world (hat tip Rafi).

*(nablopomo day# 27)


mary sacher said…
and i am so proud of you all. thank you for posting this.
todot rabot lady-light.
i wish everyone could see this.
mary sacher
Lady-Light said…
mary sacher: Todah lach. May I ask who you are?
Are you connected to the IDF mishlachat in any way?
mareesac said…
did you get last nite's reply? i'm a senior lady-light. lived 6 years in israel. miss it terribly. any way to exchange emails securely? & WHO ARE YOU?
i'm having difficulty forwarding this to you but there's so much more to tell.

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