Sayonara - from Bubbe!*

Well (didn't my teachers tell me never to begin a sentence with "well?"), another Work Project has been completed. I always enjoy the camaraderie with my colleagues but this time there was an added dimension: I enjoyed a special cohesiveness with my "group," as I entered into this project as a Team Leader. I feel as if I developed a special rapport with several of the members, but I think that our group in general had a special connectedness.
It was also wonderful working with people from such diverse backgrounds and religions. We were Jews, Christians, Muslims & Bahai. We hailed from places such as Zimbabwe, Nigeria, India, the Philippines and West Virginia. We felt, uh, group-like. It was a bit sad when people began being cross-trained in other areas and placed elsewhere, because some of us felt as if our little 'family' was being split asunder.

So I wanted to in effect, say 'thank you,' au revoir and le-hitra'ot to everyone with whom I worked by posting on my blog; perchance we'll meet again in the next project down the road, but in the meantime (here are your 15 minutes of fame, guys-), Corey, Tom, Shamim, Cathy, Elizabeth, Marilyn, Darcy, Jane, Susan, Nancy, Dean, Jones, Cobi and Randall, have a wonderful summer--I'll miss you!

To cheer you up, below is a video example of multi-culturalism: a group of Japanese tourists singing "Am Yisrael Chai" in Hebrew at the Kotel (Western Wall) while on a visit to Israel, celebrating the 40th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem in 2007. Enjoy, and see ya in the fall!

*and thank you so much for the 'Bubbe mug' gift!


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