Anti-Muslim Cartoon Scratched (R-rated for Dennis Miller adult language...)

Over two dozen US newspapers including the Washington Post last weekend decided against publishing a cartoon depicting a couple where the girlfriend just converted to Islam. Apparently the cartoon, prior to the decision, was shown to several Muslims working there who may have expressed their concern, after which the decision not to publish was made.
Was this the right decision? What about the first amendment to the constitution providing for freedom of speech? Are we "running scared" of Muslims, but Jews and Christians are fair game? Is this the ultimate in political correctness?
Here is the video on MSNBC. Click on or copy and paste the address in a new browser, go to "Editor's Picks," and search the pages for "Is Islam Off-Limits in Comic Strips."
Here is the link to the actual cartoon:

And here is Michael Smerconish as he appreared on the television show The View, speaking about his book against political correctness, called Muzzled:

When you finish viewing those, here is my all time favorite anti-political-correctness-guy Dennis Miller - swoon - I'd marry him just to hear him rant!
(You have been duly warned):

So, what do you think?


Yehudi said…
Thank you for the comment you left on my blog! I really like your site as well, and I have created a link from mine to yours..maybe you could do the same? Keep up the great work! L'Shalom...
shalom...thanks for visiting my blog...i like yours too...shavuah tov
Lady-Light said…
yehudi01: Your blog theme resonated with me; I had to leave a comment! We couldn't get the internet since before Labor Day, and just today discovered that our modem was fried! Now I will have to get my act together (while preparing for Rosh Hashana)and add your blog to my blogroll...patience, patience!
marallyn: Thank you for your visit as well; another week has gone, and it's almost Shabbat again, so: Shabbat Shalom to you!

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