Israel's Universal Purpose
I'm returning to blogging--albeit sporadically--after a hiatus (since July) due to family issues which are taking all my attention and draining my energy. It's largely for this reason that I wish to blog about the good in this world. Thus I start with positive thoughts of, and appreciation for, the special nature of the Jewish People and the State of Israel. For, at the risk of sounding arrogant, which I am not-I would venture to say, more in awe of- the State of Israel and the Jewish people collectively, who are different and special. What do I mean by that? I mean highly civilized, humanitarian and inventive with creations which benefit all mankind. Not in any particular order, let me count (just a few of) the ways... (1) Israel has developed a computer algorithm to retard aging . Yes, you might say that Israel is in the forefront of finding the fountain of youth . Most of us have heard or read that the older one gets, the less one should eat; we know that our meta...