No time nor energy to research subjects for a new post, nor time for even writing my extemporaneous thoughts, so I am reposting a previous Pesach post here. 'Finding stuff' applies to each year, as well: this year, I found my Rambo's (youngest daughter, former combat engineering commander, now in wheelchair with RSD/CRPS) Tai-Kwon-Do yellow belt certificate. Can't throw that away...but have to put it away--it had a food stain on it! Funny, though: in two years, while cleaning for Pesach, I haven't yet found my old SanDisk little pink MP3 player; I fear it's gone for good. So last week, I bought myself a new one: a SanDisk Sansa Clip, 4 GB (the old one was 1 GB only). But the new one isn't pink. It's purple... Thursday, March 11, 2010 My Pesach-Cleaning-Findings-of: STUFF I dislike cleaning for Pesach, not only because it's hard on my knees and back, but because I always unearth something of personal value which becomes very em...