Apres-Israel: Florida "Vacation"
I needed to compose at least one more post in the month of August. The reason August needed to have at least one more post, is that otherwise, it would not be much better than July, which (gasp) had only one--count 'em-- one post. My worst posting-month ever. I think. They say (-no idea who 'they' are) that bloggers blog because they have no "real" lives, but rather, that they live vicariously through their blogs, in a "virtual" world. When I first found out about my daughter's illness and became super-obsessed with her situation and her subsequent treatments and therapies, I suddenly had a "life." Terrible way to go, but be it as it may, there it was. I suddenly found myself, in the "real," physical world, with a vengence. There was no time and certainly not enough energy to put my thoughts down on paper, er, Word Document. Surrounded by a daughter in a wheelchair who needed care and companionship, and two rambu...