Given Current Reality, Peace in Middle East is a Fantasy
I have written previously many times about Israel being the world's punching bag. Whereas other countries committing atrocities are more or less ignored, Israel is publicly and vociferously blamed for everything evil and the fact that there is no "peace" in the Middle East. There is currently no peace between Israel and her neighbors, and the reason is because her neighbors want to annihilate her. The Arabs (so-called "Palestinians") don't really want 'peace,' they want Israel gone forever . David Solway gets it , in his article entitled " Is Peace Possible in the Middle East " on Pajamas Media . Basically, everything is wrong there. The Arabs speak out of both sides of their mouths; they say to the world they want peace with Israel, and to their people and in their schools they promote murdering Jews and destroying the Jewish Nation--which they refuse to recognize as such. The same tactics and 'peace negotiations' are trie...