I should start out by saying, thank G-d I found a job! I'm back to teaching, this time little ones, toddler age, at a wonderful preschool which (unfortunately) is very far from my home, but--what can one do?! Because of this, I have very little time for blogging, let alone even being on the PC! What I now need a computer for, is WORK (translation: gotta getta laptop!) Unfortunately, the bank account won't allow for that at this time... Kids are amazing, although it is very tiring work, demanding high energy levels (and my knees are protesting vociferously!!). But it is wonderful how a child's personality develops, and how excited and interested they are in the world around them. And it is a privilege that I can make a positive difference in a child's life. I remember how difficult a childhood I had, and how adults around me, including teachers, were not understanding and empathetic. This may be a part of the reasons I went into teaching, almost ...